What People Say...

"I could not express enough my sincere gratitude for all kindness and support extended during your service at EGR. Thank you very very much !!" 
Frank Kunimoto (Japan)


"I strongly believe that in our life, there are certain moments that make people grow, not only from a career perspective but also as a person. For me having had a partnership with EGR was one of those moments. The experience that made me a better person. With Johann, I had so many conversations regarding business but also about life. 

I appreciate the advice you have given me and one day when I get to be your age, I hope to be for someone a mentor like you and inspire them. Johann, I respect you as a person and I feel greatly honored to have had the opportunity to assist you as a business partner."

Luno Hong (LG, Korea)


"I would like to pass on my congratulations for the role you played in the successful establishment of the sheet extrusion facility at EGR. I recall being at the plant opening and then could not have envisaged the growth and development of the plant into what it is today, largely as a result of your input."

Jim Ashton (Plastral Sydney)


"During our co-operation we got to know Johann as a hard but very fair and serious business partner who played a very important role in establishing EGR's extrusion division."

Breyer (Germany)


"I remember when we first met at Resart, you immediately understood that the future of sheet masking was films without glue. You were one of my first foreign customers, then our collaboration continued when you moved to Australia, where you knew how to make yourself appreciated and started the beautiful career you made. I look forward to seeing you in Italy as soon as you have the opportunity to come to Europe."

Giorgio Centonze (Silp, Italy)


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